Tara Zorn Fitness in Grandview & The King George Corridor, meet the Personal Trainer Tara Lasko

Watch, listen and read about Tara Lasko from Tara Zorn Fitness about how she changed her life and became a Personal Trainer and successful business owner teaching private classes, group classes and Bootcamp in South Surrey/White Rock. Call Tara on 604 365 9240.

Describe your business

Tara Zorn Fitness is a place where woman can come to meet their fitness goals, also to work on better improving their whole selves. It is a safe place to come to encourage and help each other.

What made you decide to open this business?

About 7 years ago I went through a divorce and at that time I was stay at home mom with two kids, 2 and 5. I knew that I was going to have to find a way to support my family still as well as a be a mom and the time away from my kids needed to be something that I was passionate and that I loved. So I went back to school and I took my education to become a Personal Trainer because fitness was a huge part a healing when going through the divorce. Tara Zorn Fitness was started about 3 years


I studied for a couple of years as I was full time single mom with young children. I went back to school and got my CrossFit education . I did some nutrition education & I worked my way through my fitness training as well. So it took me a little longer and I wasn't really in a huge rush. I wanted to do it well, but a full time single mom it took me a little longer. I became a trainer and away I went.

What drives you to do what you do? What motivates you?

Fitness was a placed where I could go to release stress and it was a place where I could go to feel strong and confident. It was place where I could go and leave everything there and come away feeling a lot better. It became a place to heal myself inside and out along with my bodies changing along with the health benefits. I found that my mind and soul was a little better as well.


What surprised me that I am a kind of like a counsellor too. It surprised me at how demanding it was, not just physically but mentally too. Also being an entrepreneur as well a single mom . There are ups and downs just try to balance everything and life, but it's been great. I think learning the business side of my business was also something new to me. I try to be the best person I can be for the people coming in to do what they need to do here for themselves. That's really what I encourage people to do and leave it here in the gym.

What was it like when you first started?

I was exhausted when I first started trying to learn so many new things. I had to learn to shift my balance from one thing into another and then be a mom too.

What is something most people don't know about the business?

I don't know, I am quite an open book and I wear it all on my sleeve. I think I have shared it all at bootcamp or on social media. I was a runner for many years. That's actually how I started. In my early 20's I started to run to work on my depression and really that's when my fitness journey began. I was overweight and not healthy. I was comfort eating and not looking after myself at all. I went on Weight Watchers and started running and that where my love of fitness began and change my life stage by stage.


I love BootCamp. The women are amazing. I host Bootcamp at Champion Cheerleading on King George Blvd every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9am to 10 am. No two workouts are ever the same. It doesn't matter your fitness level and you can work according to your own level. I want women to come even if they have their children with them or where ever they are. I want them to come and be who they need to be.


I offer one on one training catered specifically to your goals and needs. In addition to that I offer small group training (up to 4 people) to make training in smaller groups more affordable. I have flexible hours to help people fit fitness into their work life.

What are your goals over the next year?

I want to complete my holistic sports nutrition. So then I can offer deeper service into the food portion of fitness and health and wellness. I would like to build a community of Bootcamp. I think woman need the support the support of other women around them , so my main goal for my business to be building my bootcamp. As I grow, we will have to grow the facility. I know that at the moment I am not being able to help the woman who work from 9am to 5pm. It is on my radar on how I can reach them and offer them a place to come as well. Things are flowing creatively around that to see how I can do that and make some times available.


The success of my clients and watching my clients change their lives is definitely the highlight for me. People are changing their lives and I'm along for the ride. That is the most amazing thing to watch. It so rewarding. People are changing their lives not only from the exterior, but from the inside too. Blood pressure is going down, people are getting off of their cholesterol medicine, people are sleeping better, people are having more energy to do things. A lot of people talk about the exterior changing, but let's talk about what's happening inside of your body. Fitness heals.

What do you love most about the neighborhood?

I appreciate that there is everything pretty much at our finger tips, right within 10 mines drive here in South Surrey/ White Rock area. We can be at the beach, we can be at a restaurant.. there is so much here that you can do. My life is around fitness and activity and so this area offers us so many different ways to be active. Right from the water to running, to trails, to biking. There is so much available to have children out doing something. It's safe too. There is always someone around. I feel that people are looking out for each other. It's definitely a small community, where people know who we are. It's amazing to live by the water.


I love to paddle-board in the summer time on the water. I offer group or individual lessons on how to paddle board. It's a lot of fun and there are lots of first timers. There can be 12 of us out there at one time. I've taken some lessons around paddle itself, so I can teach how to paddle and how to get on the board. Cycling is another thing I love to do. Hiking is also an amazing part of our lives. We love to hit the mountains. We go out east to hike or else we go north. I love to snowshoe. I am offering for us to come together and go snowshoeing on February 2. There is no cost. You just need a pair of snow shoes. It's an opportunity for us to come together and go and do something fun.

What are your favorite restaurants in the neighborhood?

I am big breakfast person. I love Wooden Spoon for breakfast. However if you want a quick taco, we love going to Sal Y Limon.


Just telling people what I do. It's not just about training and working out, but it's also about connecting on a social level and making friends, supporting each other. Telling people that this a place where anybody can come.

Anything exciting going on that customers should know about?

Well personally, I recently I got engaged and my fiancé have started a Couples Bootcamp. We are trying to grow place where couples can come to build and come together and grow with other like minded couples to work on their relationship together through training. Dan & I train together and we know how amazing it is to do that and we want to extend to the community as well to show up with your spouse or partner and learn how to encourage and support each other through strength training. It can be a life changing thing.

What is the best way for customers to contact you?

They can find can find me on social media and come through direction. Search Tara Zorn Fitness on Facebook or Instagram. You can call or text me at 604 365 9240, find me on my website www.tarazorn.com or email me at tdlasko@hotmail.com.

Note: This article is about Tara Zorn Fitness. Please visit their profile page to find more information and review the business.